even if

Sometimes I feel it is all-too easy to forget the miracle of the inbreaking Kingdom of God. A friend joined us for Friday Night Leadership this past week and was in awe as 15 leaders went around the room sharing stories of how they are seeing God move in their ministries. New students met over a donut in front of a school, young people asking leaders why they keep seeing them in their spaces, and curious college students opening Bibles for the first time are all glimpses of the reality of Jesus. He is a king who draws near, not one who remains far off.

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."

This is Jesus' encouragement to his closest twelve in Luke 12:32. His promise is that God is so generous with His people that He supplies them with the reality and goodness of His presence, in the here and now. Again, it seems this is a truth that seems too easy for me to lose sight of. Likely because while His Kingdom is here, it is often a long and slow work to get to see its fruit.

I am reminded of this in moments like this past Monday night. Feeling discouraged after failing to track down some Pioneer High School guys after school, my phone began to ring. Erin and I were making dinner, but when a high school student calls, everything else stops. I stepped into the guest room and answered.

After a perfuse apology for not being able to hang out for the last several weeks, a longer conversation ensued. He had to pick up the phone to tell me something he couldn't explain. A series of events was pointing his attention and curiosity to the reality of angels.

This wasn't all a coincidence, was it? Could angels be real? Could a loving God really be gently guiding his life?

We talked through his questions and observations for ten minutes before a classically abrupt finish to the call. I walked back into the kitchen grinning from ear to ear. Surely God's long, slow work is not in vain. Our embodiment of the inbreaking kingdom in Young Life told this high school sophomore that he had someone he could call to talk about what really matters in life. He has a Young Life leader.

May our work never get old or taken for granted. We are children of a God who is generous to bring His kingdom and presence near, even if it takes longer than we would hope to see.

Jeff Prior, Co-Area Director, Pioneer Young Life Leader


an august prayer